Akshit Dried Butterfly Pea Flowers | Blue Tea| 1.2 Oz
Akshit Dried Butterfly Pea Flowers | Blue Tea| 1.2 Oz
Akshit Dried Organic Butterfly Pea Flowers Tea| clitoria | Blue tea | 0.4 Oz I flor de guisante de mariposa I fleur de pois papillon
The Most Demanded And Best Colorful Blue Butterfly Pea Flower Tea/Té De Flor De Guisante De Mariposa Azul
On The Market With No Added Flavors Or Preservatives/Sans Arômes Ni Conservateurs Ajoutés.
◆ The scientific name of blue butterfly pea flower tea is Clitoria Ternatea.
We dry the butterfly pea flowers in the sun on bamboo mats to preserve their natural vitamins without using machine heat.
In Ayurveda, people use butterfly pea as a brain tonic to promote intellect and improve memory.
◆ Brew a beautiful, colorful butterfly pea flower tea hot or cold, and watch it turn blue or purple!
Chefs have used the butterfly pea flower, a natural blue plant, for centuries in Thai cooking, and they also use it as a spice.
When brewed, dried butterfly pea flowers turn the drink blue. Adding a slice of lemon transforms the blue tea into purple.
Mix this butterfly pea flower tea with syrup, honey, lemon, or stevia for a naturally sweet, herbal taste.
- The Dried organic butterfly pea flowers | clitoria; The butterfly pea flower has no scent or strong flavor, making it a perfect natural food colorant for any dish or drink without altering its taste.
- As a tea/ thé, Organic butterfly pea flower tea has a mild woody; earthly taste. Sun-dried on special bamboo organic mats to retain all-natural vitamins and without any machine heat.
- Organic /orgánico/ biologique Butterfly pea flower tea; can be brewed either hot or cold, and blue or purple! The butterfly pea flower (Clitoria ternatea) is a natural blue plant used for centuries in Thai traditional cooking.
- When the dried butterfly pea flowers | clitoria are brewed; the blue pea flower drink turns to a delightful blue, and squeeze a slice of lemon into the tea magically turns from blue to purple right before your eyes.
- Herbal Blue Butterfly Pea Flower Tea [ Té de flor de guisante de mariposa azul a base de hierbas ] from butterfly pea flowers brewed hot and cold, take it with honey and lemon to enjoy its awesome taste and experience it brings.
This drink can be mixed with syrup, honey and lemon to give you that sweet, herbal taste.
Color and taste:-Butterfly pea flowers have an intense blue color and a natural earthy taste with no scent or strong flavor, making them the perfect natural food colorant for any dish or drink without altering its flavor.
Butterfly Pea Flower | clitoria Benefits
Nourishes hair/Nourrit les cheveux :- Butterfly pea flower | clitoria has properties that nourish hair follicles, promotes hair growth, prevents greying and reduces hair fall.
Anti-aging/Anti-âge:- Butterfly pea flowers are rich in antioxidants that help repair skin damage caused by sugar molecules, which contribute to skin aging.
Flavor; mild woody, earthly (as a tea/ thé /té ).
100% Organic butterfly pea flower.
Butterfly Pea Flower | clitoria Recipes;
- Can be steeped in herbal (cold or hot), mixed with syrup, honey, and lemon to give you that sweet, herbal taste.
- Used as a natural food color in original form or dried and processed into butterfly pea flower powder and used for making smoothies, ice cream, bakeries like cakes, cookies, doughnuts, butterfly pea flower cocktails and others.
Directions for making Butterfly Pea Flower tea / Té de flor de guisante de mariposa
- Infuse 3 to 4 flowers in 120ml of hot water for 5-6 minutes to get a good Color and Flavor.
What do Akshit butterfly pea flowers taste like?
They have a woody earthly flavor similar to the taste of fine greens and a light sweet aroma.
¿A qué saben las flores de guisante de mariposa Akshit? Tienen un sabor terrenal amaderado similar al sabor de las verduras finas y un ligero aroma dulce.
Are Akshit butterfly pea flowers good for you? Yes they are because they are rich in antioxidants, particularly anthocyanin a type of antioxidant found in blue berries and red wine that is well-known for fighting inflammation and boosting heart health.
Can you eat Akshit butterfly pea flowers | clitoria? Yes, you can! People primarily use it to make blue butterfly pea flower tea, as mentioned above, and also incorporate it into various other recipes.
¿Puedes comer flores de guisante de mariposa Akshit? Sí, se puede, se usa principalmente para hacer té de flor de guisante de mariposa azul como se explicó anteriormente y también para hacer otras recetas.
Can you drink Akshit butterfly pea flower tea | clitoria? Yes, you can and it will leave you nourished and fit because of it's amazing properties.
¿Puedes beber té de flor de guisante de mariposa Akshit? Sí, puedes y te dejará nutrido y en forma debido a sus increíbles propiedades.
Akshit Dried Organic Butterfly Pea Flowers Tea| clitoria | Blue tea | 0.4 Oz I flor de guisante de mariposa I fleur de pois papillon
The Most Demanded And Best Colorful Blue Butterfly Pea Flower Tea/Té De Flor De Guisante De Mariposa Azul
On The Market With No Added Flavors Or Preservatives/Sans Arômes Ni Conservateurs Ajoutés.
◆ The scientific name of blue butterfly pea flower tea is Clitoria Ternatea.
We dry the butterfly pea flowers in the sun on bamboo mats to preserve their natural vitamins without using machine heat.
In Ayurveda, people use butterfly pea as a brain tonic to promote intellect and improve memory.
◆ Brew a beautiful, colorful butterfly pea flower tea hot or cold, and watch it turn blue or purple!
Chefs have used the butterfly pea flower, a natural blue plant, for centuries in Thai cooking, and they also use it as a spice.
When brewed, dried butterfly pea flowers turn the drink blue. Adding a slice of lemon transforms the blue tea into purple.
Mix this butterfly pea flower tea with syrup, honey, lemon, or stevia for a naturally sweet, herbal taste.
- The Dried organic butterfly pea flowers | clitoria; The butterfly pea flower has no scent or strong flavor, making it a perfect natural food colorant for any dish or drink without altering its taste.
- As a tea/ thé, Organic butterfly pea flower tea has a mild woody; earthly taste. Sun-dried on special bamboo organic mats to retain all-natural vitamins and without any machine heat.
- Organic /orgánico/ biologique Butterfly pea flower tea; can be brewed either hot or cold, and blue or purple! The butterfly pea flower (Clitoria ternatea) is a natural blue plant used for centuries in Thai traditional cooking.
- When the dried butterfly pea flowers | clitoria are brewed; the blue pea flower drink turns to a delightful blue, and squeeze a slice of lemon into the tea magically turns from blue to purple right before your eyes.
- Herbal Blue Butterfly Pea Flower Tea [ Té de flor de guisante de mariposa azul a base de hierbas ] from butterfly pea flowers brewed hot and cold, take it with honey and lemon to enjoy its awesome taste and experience it brings.
This drink can be mixed with syrup, honey and lemon to give you that sweet, herbal taste.
Color and taste:-Butterfly pea flowers have an intense blue color and a natural earthy taste with no scent or strong flavor, making them the perfect natural food colorant for any dish or drink without altering its flavor.
Butterfly Pea Flower | clitoria Benefits
Nourishes hair/Nourrit les cheveux :- Butterfly pea flower | clitoria has properties that nourish hair follicles, promotes hair growth, prevents greying and reduces hair fall.
Anti-aging/Anti-âge:- Butterfly pea flowers are rich in antioxidants that help repair skin damage caused by sugar molecules, which contribute to skin aging.
Flavor; mild woody, earthly (as a tea/ thé /té ).
100% Organic butterfly pea flower.
Butterfly Pea Flower | clitoria Recipes;
- Can be steeped in herbal (cold or hot), mixed with syrup, honey, and lemon to give you that sweet, herbal taste.
- Used as a natural food color in original form or dried and processed into butterfly pea flower powder and used for making smoothies, ice cream, bakeries like cakes, cookies, doughnuts, butterfly pea flower cocktails and others.
Directions for making Butterfly Pea Flower tea / Té de flor de guisante de mariposa
- Infuse 3 to 4 flowers in 120ml of hot water for 5-6 minutes to get a good Color and Flavor.
What do Akshit butterfly pea flowers taste like?
They have a woody earthly flavor similar to the taste of fine greens and a light sweet aroma.
¿A qué saben las flores de guisante de mariposa Akshit? Tienen un sabor terrenal amaderado similar al sabor de las verduras finas y un ligero aroma dulce.
Are Akshit butterfly pea flowers good for you? Yes they are because they are rich in antioxidants, particularly anthocyanin a type of antioxidant found in blue berries and red wine that is well-known for fighting inflammation and boosting heart health.
Can you eat Akshit butterfly pea flowers | clitoria? Yes, you can! People primarily use it to make blue butterfly pea flower tea, as mentioned above, and also incorporate it into various other recipes.
¿Puedes comer flores de guisante de mariposa Akshit? Sí, se puede, se usa principalmente para hacer té de flor de guisante de mariposa azul como se explicó anteriormente y también para hacer otras recetas.
Can you drink Akshit butterfly pea flower tea | clitoria? Yes, you can and it will leave you nourished and fit because of it's amazing properties.
¿Puedes beber té de flor de guisante de mariposa Akshit? Sí, puedes y te dejará nutrido y en forma debido a sus increíbles propiedades.