Organic Ginger Tea Blend for Body Detoxification 25 tea bags I jengibre limón tiro de té de hierbas I Thé au gingembre pour Body Detox 25 sachets
Minced Ginger Herbal Detoxification Tea [Té De Desintoxicación De Hierbas] Blended From the World's Finest Herbs Naturally Sundried and Packed With No Artificial Additives.
About Item
- ORGANIC GINGER LEMONGRASS TEA BLEND: A cleansing and detoxifying herbal tea with ginger, black pepper, lemongrass, holy basil, and stevia leaves, rich in antioxidants and nutrients that keep your body’s health in check. Best for Body detox. Ginger shot herbal tea has high levels of antioxidants that help detox and cleanse your body.
- STEVIA LEAVES; stevia leaves are a natural and healthful alternative to sugar being 200 to 300 times sweeter than table sugar.
- BLACK PEPPER; it is a good source of manganese, a mineral that can help with bone health, and wound healing, and may boost metabolism. A little pinch of black pepper can be a perfect to double health benefits.
- ORGANIC LEMONGRASS: The citrusy flavors of lemongrass amazingly make a tasty and delicious cup of herbal detox and calm sleep tea. Lemongrass is packed with antioxidants that may help detox and cleanse the body.
- TULSI HOLY BASIL LEAVES; relieving when consumed as a tea, holy basil Tulsi is a powerful rejuvenating herb that has health-giving properties; Tulsi is rich in antioxidants and helps support the immune system.
A flavorful caffeine free ginger tea with black pepper and lemongrass with a spicy taste that gives you a smooth, spicy intense flavor.
Elaborado con una mezcla de té de calidad natural repleta de vitaminas y minerales que se han utilizado durante siglos para mantener una inmunidad y una digestión saludables.
El té de hierbas orgánico tiene energía refrescante que ayuda a calmar el estómago y las funciones digestivas bajo control.
- We encourage and promote natural herbs; we do not add any natural or artificial Flavors in our teas.
Special features.
- 35% Organic and 65% natural ingredients
- Women Owned Business.
- Gluten free/Sin gluten
- Caffeine Free.
- Hot and spicy flavor.
Akshit Ginger Detox tea Ingredients;
- Organic Tulsi 15%
- Organic Lemongrass 10%
- Organic Stevia Leaves 10%
- Ginger 50%
- Black Pepper 15%
How does Akshit organic ginger herbal tea help the body? The antioxidants in the tea may help reduce stress and strengthen your immune system.
¿Cómo ayuda al cuerpo el té de hierbas Akshit Ginger Shot? Los antioxidantes de nuestro té pueden ayudar a reducir el estrés y fortalecer su inmunidad.
Can Akshit ginger tea for body detox be used to reduce belly fat? Yes, studies show that ginger has a significant effect on body weight so the tea may help.
¿Se puede usar el té de jengibre Akshit para la desintoxicación corporal para reducir la grasa del vientre? Sí, los estudios muestran que el jengibre tiene un efecto significativo sobre el peso corporal, por lo que nuestro té ayudará.